Looper's Delight Compilation CD

Volume 2

Questions or comments regarding this project should be directed to Matt McCabe at mkmccabe@earthlink.net.

CDs are available now through Marathon Records.


Produced and Compiled by Matt McCabe (Finley Sound Design)
Project Coordination by Jeff Elbel (Marathon Records)
Mastered by Miro Svetinsky (Mirolab)
Graphic Design and Layout by Peter Pauley
Contract Written by Doug Pieren

Special thanks to Kim Flint for dreaming up and hosting the Looper's Delight website and email list!

Important : You can not listen to sound and music clips denoted with this symbol unless you have the Real Player G2.

Disc 1 Disc 2

1: Electric Bird Noise "Japanese Toy Song"

Brian Mckenzie: guitar, effects, loop machine
Rev.Doc.Scromps: guitar, effects
Dr. Rhythm: drums

Contact: 5708 Long Leaf Dr. Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29577
(843) 449-2149

12: Siobhan Canty "Prague"

Siobhan Canty: looped vocals, looped vibrachime, samples
Brendan Canty: drums, samples, mixing
James Canty: bass

Contact: 1875 Connecticut Ave., NW #710 Washington, DC 20009

2: Michael Peters "Java Lada Rama Kaba Nada"

This track is not included on Michael's CD 'Escape Veloopity'.

Contact: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Mpeters/

13: Markus Reuter "The Midget Monsters Series Kit"

Markus Reuter: 8-string Warr Guitar and loops

Contact: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mpeters/markus.htm

3: Miguel Barella and Giuseppe Lenti "Vßrias Horas em Sil_ncio"

Giuseppe Lenti: acoustic guitar, e-bow, GR-300 synth
Miguel Barella: acoustic guitar, loops
Geraldo D'Arbilly: percussion, whistles

Contact: R. Cap. Otavio Machado,974 ap. 131 04718-001 S. Paulo SP Brazil
Phone +55-11-5181-6492 Fax +55-11+5181-3671

14: Michael Preston "Onceler Hamfist"

Michael Preston: guitar, samplers, and loopers recorded live one morning in the Fall of 1997

Contact: 3620 Yolando Rd. Baltimore, MD 21218

4: Mike Barman "Exclusive Reality"

Mike Barman: Chapman Stick and guitar

Contact: 1211 Brosig #1 Green Bay, WI 54311 (920) 406-0526

15: FingerPaint "Rain"

Steev Geest: slide guitar synth/loops/vocals
Patrick Smith: guitar/loops

From the FNGP release Primary Colors: BLUE

Contact: http://www.Fingerpaint.net

5: Petri Kuljuntausta "Momentum"

Contact: P.O.BOX 353 FIN-00131 Helsinki Finland tel. +358-9-7545407

16: Ed Chang/Blindfold "Kolizions (Compos'T)"

Contact: P.O. Box 317, New York, NY 10009

6: Stefano Voulaz "Dust and Ashes"

A guitar-only song, as most of its author's works. Looping techniques allow this music to be recorded "live" in a single take.

Contact: 39-347-3703725

17: Mattias Grob "Rio Profundo"

Rio profundo means "deep river" and was improvised in a bar in Salvador in '96, inspired by the river São Francisco, Bahia, Brasil.

Contact: Loteamento "Parque Sao Gonzalo" 160 Federacao 40235-360 Salvador/BA Brasil

7: Dreamchild "Murias II"

Frank Gerace: guitar and loops
Cheryl Wanner: bass and vocals

Contact: 955 Mass Ave #252 Cambridge, MA 02139

18: David Kirkdorffer/UNDO "Ataraxia II"

David Kirkdorffer: guitar Recorded live, Boston, MA 1997

Contact: P.O. Box 990 Allston, MA 02134

8: Keenan Lawler "Theta"

Keenan Lawler: guitar and signal pocessing live to DAT improvisation June 1997.

Contact: klaw@iglou.com or (502) 895-0515

19: Kuno Wagner "Intermedium"

Kuno Wagner: Warr Guitar

Contact: Umgang 10 65611 Brechen/Germany
0049 6438 3555 (fon/fax)

9: Sunao Inami "Life in Osaka"

Sunao Inami: guitar, synthesizers, loops

Contact: CAVE Studio +81 794 89 5025 (tel&fax)

20: Kevin Miller "Botswana Knot"

Kevin Miller: guitars, vocals, keys, loops

Contact: 1542 Slaterville Rd. Ithaca, N.Y. 14850

10: Bret and Mark Loop "Amble, Dark Proton"

Bret Moreland: Bass, Rhodes Piano Bass
Mark Hardgrave: Guitar

Contact: echoplex@yahoo.com

21: Jeff Elbel "Miracle Rain"

Jeff Elbel: guitars, samples, sequences, loops
Clint Davidson: fretless bass
Keyboard voices by Miro Svetinksy
Engineered by Jeff Elbel @ One Take Wonder
Mixed by Jeff Elbel and Miro Svetinksy @ Mirolab

Contact: marathon@badger1.net

11: The LoopDoctors with Johnny D. "Circus"

Johnny D: voice
Kevin Cooney: guitar and voice
Rock Doc: guitar and voice
Ron Rosenthal: keyboard and voice
Wayne Lobb: cybermadness and engineering

Contact: fmplautus@aol.com

22: King Never "EndLoop"

Matt McCabe: guitar, loops, bass, drum programming

Contact: mkmccabe@earthlink.net

Website provided by CAVE Studio.

Many thanks to Finley Sound Design.

29th Jan. 2001 updated